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The Art of HealingArt: The Keys to Power and Awareness

Jacqueline Ripstein

Top 10 Best Quotes

“Harboring anger, hatred and resentment within you, is containing the venom within you. You are the only one affected...”

“Colors are vibrating light energies, each “color ray” produces a sound that affects matter.”

“Through depression and many other dark low emotions, our Light dims and our immune system declines along with it. White blood cells are the physical Light of our body. Colors can be used to heal, restore and to uplift us.”

“The lower a human being descends, the more asleep and inhumane he becomes. Those beings that lack Compassion, Love, and Peace are the true targets of the ego system...”

“Live now, enjoy Life now! Love now, for this now is the precious moment that is creating our lives. Each now is unique -- it won’t come back in time. In it we leave a footprint, and within that impression are the actions we leave behind. Each step we take, we leave a mark. The path is created by the steps a person takes while walking it.”

“We are beings emanating energy of multiple colors and sounds of Light.”

“The Invisible World reveals to us this Truth within its silence.”

“The Supreme lesson of Life is Love....”

“Hell in life indicates a state of suffering, of agony, of torture (by others, by circumstances, or by ourselves), and of insipid colors and little joy. Hell is a heavy vibration that drags us spiraling down from the highest to the lowest, darkest vibrations..”

“As we awaken we move from a realm of confusion to one of certainty and Peace.”

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Book Keywords:

life-quotes, inhumane, oracle, life, tyranny, awakening, pain, conscious-awareness, consciousness-raising, spiritual-quotes, fine-art, self-help, controlling-your-emotions, love, art-healing, war, color-healing, spiritual-growth, motivational-inspirational, path, peace-of-mind, healing-in-the-hurting-places, resentment, painful, life-and-living, meditations-quotes, colors, tyrant, peace-on-earth, peace, healing-the-past, peaceful, healing-art, present-moment, consciousness, anger, egotism, light, new-thought, hatred, healing, inspirational-attitude, agony, vibrations, spirituality, awareness-and-attitude, inspirational-quotes, suffering, art, awarenessa, darkness, compassion, inferno, invisible, motivational-quotes, life-lessons, color, healing-insights, angels-and-demons, healing-the-emotional-self, motivational, inspirational, hell-on-earth, hell, power, colors-of-life

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