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Lecrae Moore

Top 10 Best Quotes

“If you live for people's acceptance, you'll die from their rejection.”

“When I decided to follow Jesus that night in Atlanta, I assumed that becoming a Christian would make life easier. I thought the rest of my life would be smiling and smooth sailing. I assumed I wouldn’t be tempted by women and partying and acceptance and all the things that I’d been a slave to for so many years. I thought I would walk around with a continual inner peace and serenity like Gandhi or something. This turns out to be a lie that too many people believe. You’ll actually experience more temptation, not less, after you become a Christian. Following Jesus doesn’t mean you’ll start living perfectly overnight. It certainly doesn’t mean that your problems will disappear. Rather than ridding you of problems or temptations, following Jesus just means that you have a place—no, a person—to run to when they come. And the power to overcome them.”

“Success is not what I've done compared with what others have done. Success is what I've done compared with what God has called me to do.”

“Scars are the evidence that wounds can heal. That wounds don't last forever. That healing is possible.”

“A person can be removed from slavery in an instant, but it takes a lifetime for slavery to be removed from a person.”

“But when people try to avoid suffering by sinning, they end up sinning their way into suffering. And”

“My desire for acceptance is one of the crosses that I carry. Each morning I have to attend a funeral. My own. I have to wake up and once again die to my desires for people's approval.”

“I had made the same mistake a lot of Christians make: I saw my connection with God as a contractual relationship, rather than a covenantal relationship. All contracts have terms, but covenants don’t. They last forever. In a contractual relationship, you’re always worried about breaking the rules. In a covenantal relationship, you’re only concerned with loving the other party as much as you can.”

“But before God could change me, He needed to mature me. And before God could mature me, He needed to move me.”

“Was I the rebel kid? The lost college student who just wanted to be accepted? The legalistic man who battled self-righteousness? Was I a husband or a father or a hip-hop artist? Like a tree trunk, all those people were a part of me. They are a part of me. But more than anything, Lecrae is a child who is unconditionally loved by God. I’m a sinner who has been rescued by God from my brokenness and called to glorify the One who has never left my side. That’s who Lecrae is, and that’s who I’ll always be.”

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Book Keywords:

lecrae, scars, success, slavery, approval-of-others, freedom, faith, acceptance, healing, god, wounds

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