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The White Devil

John Webster

Top 10 Best Quotes

“What a strange creature is a laughing fool, As if a man were created to no use But only to show his teeth.”

“There's nothing of so infinite vexation as man's own thoughts”

“Through darkness diamonds spread their richest light.”

“Oft gay and honoured robes those tortures try: We think caged birds sing, when indeed they cry.”

“O that I were a man, or that I had power To execute my apprehended wishes! I would whip some with scorpions.”

“Condemn you me for that the duke did love me? So may you blame some fair and crystal river, For that some melancholic distracted man Hath drowned himself in’t.”

“We endure the strokes like anvils or hard steel, Till pain itself make us no pain to feel.”

“Princes give rewards with their own hands, But death or punishment by the hands of other.”

“Ha, ha, ha, thou entanglest thyself in thine own work like a silkworm.”

“Fortune’s a right whore: If she give aught, she deals it in small parcels, That she may take away all at one swoop.”

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Book Keywords:

life, john-webster, pain, deception, cry, love, dirty-hands, stupidity-of-man, the-white-devil, fortune, light, politics, sadness, fate, prince, statecraft, people, diamond, guilt, silkworm, princes, power, hypocrisy, isabella

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