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Digital Fortress
Dan Brown
Top 10 Best Quotes
“Everything is possible. The impossible just takes longer.”
“Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Who will guard the guards?”
“Force a hand, and it will fight you. But convince and mind to think as you want it to think, an you have an ally”
“Please accept this humble fax. My love for you is without wax.”
“Who will guard the guards ? If we're the guards of society, then who will watch us and make sure that we're not dangerous?”
“It is said that in death, all things become clear.”
“You can’t jump for the stars if your feet hurt.”
“And when you get where you’re going, you darn well better look great!”
“Look, you runny-nosed little runt. You're going to back off right now, or I'm going to rip that safety pin out of your nose and pin your mouth shut.”
“But Susan's thoughts were far removed from the political implications of Digital Fortress. She was still struggling to comprehend its existence. She'd spent her life breaking codes, firmly denying the existence of the ultimate code. Every code is breakable - the Bergofsky Principle! She felt like an atheist coming face to face with God.”
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Book Keywords:
upheaval, thriller, changes, inspirational, random, codes, science, satire