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Daughter of Sand and Stone

Libbie Hawker

Top 10 Best Quotes

“Still, if I don't believe in the possibility, I might go mad from fear.”

“Her voice is still pitched high, thanks to her youth, but it has a certain incipient darkness to it, a low richness that will mature in the coming years to the smoky tones of a priestess or a queen -- a woman of great natural power.”

“Try all you might to learn a woman's place. You have found it already. It is in the desert, with the stars shining on your skin. It is on the back of a camel, with a sword gripped tight in your fist. It is on the throne of Egypt-it is in the reach of your empire-it is in my arms, and in my heart. You made your place, and it is your by right, Zenobia, my love.”

“In the dull, persistent beat of her heart, she hears the rhythm of hope. It is faint and thin as a thread, but it is there.”

“Nafsha is so concerned with my virginity. I am beginning to think she would wed me herself. Alas, the only tool she might use to make me a woman is her tongue -- and it is far too sharp for me to allow it beneath my skirts.”

“She threw herself across her bed, weeping into a pillow. She knew just what she wanted -- the desire was a fierce ache inside her. But fiercer still was the knowledge that it was beyond the reach of a female.”

“Men always laugh whenever a woman says she has political skill. But it's not such a difficult thing to master.”

“This is the season when the winds come from the east—from Eran and from India beyond, slow and languid and heavy with the odors of spice: the bitter taste of golpar; the bright bloom of coriander; the low earthy hum of rose; and cinnamon, sweet and compelling as a lover’s voice. These are the odors of wealth, of gold. And gold is the odor of blood.”

“Think carefully before you issue me a command, Zenobia. For I will do what you tell me, even if I'm the worst possible man for the job.”

“There is nothing humble about this woman.”

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Book Keywords:

ache, tongue-in-cheek, love, zenobia, femininity, feminism, possibility, pitch, heartbeat, fear, mastery, voice, queen, laugh, natural-power, anxiety, libbie-hawker, command, nafsha, general, skirts, pride, guard, hope, puppy-love, romance, power, priestess, empress, soldier, pillow, smackdown, crying, indignation, heart, quiet-suffering, uncertainty, princess, skill, politics, anger, marriage, authority, pain, difficulty, zabdas, thin-as-a-thread, arranged-marriage, humility, hope-and-despair, feminism-identity

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