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If You Don't Have Anything Nice to Say

Leila Sales

Top 10 Best Quotes

“You don't have to win every fight or make everyone love you or be the cleverest person in the room. You don't even have to raise your hand or answer every question on a test or get to every class on time. You just have to keep living.”

“And of course he was right, but there was still something in the idea that appealed to me, of cutting apart my body piece by piece, my skin and my brain and my lips and my tongue, giving it all away until there was nothing left in me for anyone to object to. Until I was just a pathetic collection of fingernails and veins, and everyone would feel guilty for their roles in tearing me to scraps.”

“You´ll be fine. Children are like plants. Just water them twice a week and turn them toward the sun”

“You'll be fine. Children are like plants. Just water them twice a week and turn them toward the sun.”

“You have to keep living your life, babycakes. That's all you can do. You don't have to win every fight or make everyone love you or be the cleverest person in the room. You don't even have to raise your hand or answer every question on a test or get to every class on time. You just have to keep living”

“Why couldn't my sins stay at sea? Why did they seep back into me every time?”

“When we decide someone is an angel, she is an angel only until she falls from the sky. But when we decide someone is a villian, she is a villian forever. Everything she says or does is only more proof of her villainy. She cannot be redeemed.”

“That would make my job much easier. Unfortunately, the internet is like an elephant: it doesn't forget.”

“She has to learn to live with the consequences of her actions. We can't teach her that every time she made a mistake, we'll be here to clean up after her.”

“Living is brave. Quitting is cowardly.”

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Book Keywords:

reality, children, survival, internet, reality-of-life, facing-consequences, realization, how-to-raise-a-child, life-and-death, dad, motivation, mistakes, father-s-advice, character, fathers-and-daughters, comparisons, sadness, loneliness, parenting, right-attitude, losing-life, life-and-livinge, parent-s-love, thoughts, encouragement, history, life, self-pity, death, pain, abeceda, living-life, sister-talk, mom

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