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Kiersten White

Top 10 Best Quotes

“People pretend things aren’t wrong, even when they can feel the truth, because they’re too afraid of what it means to look right at the horror, right at the wrongness, to face the truth in all its terrible glory. Like little kids, playing hide-and-seek. If they can’t see the monster, it can’t get them. But it can. It always can. And while you aren’t looking, it’s eating everyone around you.”

“No one who is strong hits a child.”

“If all the world is hell and evil is all around them, what else can they do but try to help each other?”

“So now she's seen it. She [Mack] knows what's out there. It doesn't make any more sense than it did before, but at least she can move from horror, the fear of the unknown, and into terror, the fear of the known. Terror is almost a comfort at this point, a familiar friend.”

“She’s so sick of trying to turn everything into an opportunity, trying to exploit every hobby, every interest, every talent, even her own fucking face and body in a desperate attempt to make enough money. The last time they spoke—a year ago, maybe?—her father accused her of being lazy, of not working, but the truth is, like everyone her age she knows, she’s always working. She’s just not making a living doing any of it. Yet.”

“Finally, to everyone who still insists they pulled themselves up by their own bootstraps: For fuck’s sake, look up the origin of the saying.”

“To the youngest generations we’ve tasked with saving us all: You shouldn’t have to. I’m so sorry.”

“The sun creeps along, as the sun is wont to do. The occasional insect wanders across Mack’s legs, as insects are wont to do. Mack does nothing, as Mack is wont to do.”

“She missed death the first time it came for her, and she was ready—maybe even eager—for it here. For that last, final, ultimate hiding place, the darkness in which no one could ever find her. Not her father, not her guilt or her shame, not hunger or fear or want.”

“She can sense the resentment radiating off of Jaden as they trudge back toward the camp, like the Axe Body Spray of aggression, stinging her nose and making her heart skitter with anxiety”

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Book Keywords:

terror, horror, fear, knowledge

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