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The Countess Conspiracy

Courtney Milan

Top 10 Best Quotes

“Do you want to know why you don't meet my standards?" he asked. She shook her head in mortification. "Too late," he replied. "Here's my most important rule: Never have intercourse when one of the parties is in love with the other. It won't end well." She gasped. "You arrogant cad! I'm not in love with you." "I know." He didn't look away from her. "Isn't that what I said? Only one of us is in love, and it isn't you." Violet stared at him. Her ears appeared to be working; her brain seemed to function. Tentatively, she added two and three and verified that they still made five.”

“I keep everything hidden because there's nothing about my true self that anyone likes. I'm not difficult, Sebastian. I'm the easiest person around. I don't belong, and I spend all my time pretending I do. Sometimes I get weary of it, and that makes me angry. It's not fair to the people around me when I lose my temper. I say awful things when I'm angry. But it's not fair to me, either, that I was made this way.”

“Ah, the rule that says that women aren’t allowed to be intelligent.” He brushed a kiss against her forehead. “Burn that one to the ground, Violet, and dance on the ashes. And damn anyone who tells you it’s selfish to do so.”

“Sebastian will never fight wars, but it's because of people like him that the rest of us don't have to fight as many of them. He makes everyone around him more than what they are.”

“I'm not difficult," Violet said. "I'm simple. I like good books and clever conversation and being left alone much of the time. How does that make me difficult? I make sense? I don't talk about my feelings, of course, but then, I don't want to." She shrugged. "So that's reasonable." Sebastian smiled despite himself, a smile that felt bitter even to him. "God, no. Not feelings. Heaven forbid that you have anything so messy." "I have feelings." She spoke stiffly. "I just don't talk about them. What's the point? Talking never changes them.”

“I like good books and clever conversation and being left alone much of the time.”

“A sign on the door proclaimed: "The countess is NOT to be bothered except in the cases of death, disembowelment, the Apocalypse, or the arrival of her mother.”

“A life without risk is one where I tell myself I'm not worthy of taking a chance.”

“Burn that one to the ground, Violet, and dance on the ashes. And damn anyone who tells you it’s selfish to do so.”

“How many lovers?” He could have given her a straight answer. Dozens. Or, more specifically: Thirty-seven. Thirty-seven, if you counted mutual versions of the conduct he’d just engaged in, and Sebastian did.But what he finally said was, “Too many. And not enough.” Her face was in shadow. He couldn’t tell if she was disgusted by him, or if this was just a matter of idle curiosity for her. She exhaled. “How many would be enough?” He smiled sadly. “One more, Violet.” He looked over at her—at her arms folded around herself, at her head, turned from his, as if that would be enough to distract him from the ferocity of his want. “I’ve only ever wanted one more.”

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Book Keywords:

simple, rule, standards, one-sided-love, love, complicated, self, talk, fair, belong, reasonable, feeling, one-sided, not-fair, pretend, angry, hide

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