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William Gibson

Top 10 Best Quotes

“They’re still a bit in advance of the pandemics, at least.” She took the seat opposite. “Nothing before the 2020s has ever seemed entirely real, to me. Hard to imagine they weren’t constantly happy, given all they still had. Tigers, for instance.” Picking”

“The plus sign is a hipster ampersand.”

“Authoritarian societies are inherently corrupt, and corrupt societies are inherently unstable. Rule of thieves brings collapse, eventually, because they can't stop stealing.”

“Authoritarian societies are inherently corrupt, and corrupt societies are inherently unstable. Rule of thieves brings collapse, eventually, because they can’t stop stealing.”

“In Franklins, a million weighs twenty-two pounds. If you want to keep your weight down, go with the Swiss thousand-franc notes.”

“As the jackpot got seriously going, after the first wave of pandemics, without EU membership to buffer anything, England started looking a lot like a competitive control area. Lowbeer did what she knew how to do, which by then was run a CCA. But as she kept building it back up, every time another change driver impacted, she found herself using Russians. They knew how to work a CCA. They’d been there before the jackpot hit the fan.”

“You feel like you have emotions, to me." "Where's the line between modeling them and having them, though? But I know I can't just make them go away.”

“The City, Netherton had heard Lowbeer say, explaining the "klept" to Flynne, had long been, and well prior to the jackpot, a unique species of semi-autonomous crypto-state, the single least democratic element of elected British government. It was this singular status, according to Lowbeer, that had allowed it to ride out the eventual collapse of democracy. That, and its core expertise in laundering money, had brought it into a mutually beneficial synergy with the émigré oligarch community, dominated by Russians, who had themselves first been attracted to London by the City’s meta-criminal financial arcana, plus the lavish culture of personal amenities for those requiring same.”

“Ash and Conner are silent. Our three locals have their phones out and seem to be catching up on the news.” “How is the news?” “They strike me as gravely concerned, but not speechless with horror.”

“Are you familiar with the strategic concept of competitive control areas?” Ash asked. “Yes,” Stets said.”

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Book Keywords:

time-travel, emotions, russian-mafia, banking-elite, violent-non-state-actor, kleptocracy, oligarchy, london, post-apocalyptic, democracy-fails, cyberpunk, city-of-london, man-machine

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