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The Storm Inside: Trade the Chaos of How You Feel for the Truth of Who You Are

Sheila Walsh

Top 10 Best Quotes

“If you find yourself right now in a place where you are heartbroken, I want to remind you that Christ is very close to the broken. Our culture throws broken things away, but our Savior never does. He gently gathers all the pieces, and with His love and in His time, He puts us back together.”

“While walking through a dark season, if we attempt to navigate our lives by what we feel, we will run aground onto the rocks. We must navigate by what we know is true no matter what we feel.”

“You are loved, you are beautiful, you are treasured, and you are a daughter of the living God.”

“A rabbit, it has been said, can outrun a lion. But the rabbit’s great fear of the lion paralyzes it, making it easy for the lion to catch and consume it.”

“Lord Jesus, Your love is beyond my understanding but I believe it’s true. Right now I offer You my shame, the filthy rags of my past. I choose to step out of this storm of condemnation and into Your peace. Thank You for loving me and for making me worthy, In Your great name, amen.”

“You might categorize your own fear as anxiety. But while the reality of fear is different for each of us, one thing remains constant: fear robs us of joy. When fear takes center stage, we find it impossible to live in the “what is” because of the “what might be.”

“We can be frozen by the chaos we feel inside instead of choosing to stand on the truth of who God’s Word says we are. We must not give our enemy such advantages. We must not live that way one moment longer. It’s time to trade what we feel for the powerful truth of who we are. How we feel can change in a moment, but who we are is eternal.”

“We all need a place where we can give voice to the worst that torments our souls and still be held.”

“The thoughts and emotions we stuff down into the darkness become a playground for the enemy, where his toxic filth breeds best. The compulsion to say the 'right thing' explains why so many of us have fallen spiritually sick.”

“Teach me your way, O LORD, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name. (Psalm 86:11 ESV)”

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Book Keywords:

satan, emotions, safe-relationships, thoughts, spiritual-sickness

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