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Meet Me in the Margins

Melissa Ferguson

Top 10 Best Quotes

“Waiting impatiently for something that will inevitably happen either way is a waste of time. Enjoy the journey, not just the destination.”

“waistline or, most especially, counting steps. Life is about movement, and pause. Work, and rest. It’s about relationship.”

“Yes, there should be fundraisers and shoebox drives and hard work, too, but it’s also about slowing down. Truly being present.”

“What would somebody think of a person like me? Who, out there in the world, would think I was special enough to make the heroine in their story?”

“The perfect date doesn’t have anything to do with me. It’s entirely about finding a setting that highlights who she is and seeking to learn about each other within that amenable atmosphere.”

“Our eyes hold, and for a long moment we just smile. A warmth spreads through me. I can’t define it exactly, but if it were a scent, it’d be eggnog sprinkled with nutmeg. If a sound, it’d be the footsteps of a dear friend on your front porch.”

“My former boyfriend was my first, and last, kiss, and to be completely honest here, I always thought doing laundry would be a better way to spend time.”

“It’s New York. They breed pretty people there.”

“Forget about the manuscript. Just the amount of time it takes to figure out how to make a website, get a website host, find and buy a domain name, create a newsletter mailing list, create a newsletter mailing-list template, and figure out how to “create a brand” when you don’t yet have anything to sell . . . It’s enough to make your brain explode. I’m halfway into the “Become an Influencer”

“And yet here I stand, in possession of “literature’s kudzu.”

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