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After the Flood

Kassandra Montag

Top 10 Best Quotes

“I knew it was sometimes easier to love ghosts than the people who were around you. Ghosts could be perfect, frozen beyond time, beyond reality, the crystal form they’d never been before, the person you needed them to be.”

“I keep thinking grief feels like climbing a staircase while looking down,” she said. “You won’t forget where you’ve been, but you’ve got to keep rising. It all gets farther away, but it’s all still there. And you’ve only got one way to go and you don’t really want to go on rising, but you’ve got to. And that tightness in your chest doesn’t go away, but you somehow go on breathing that thinner, higher air. It’s like you grow a third lung. Like you’ve somehow gotten bigger when you thought you were only broken.”

“I have faith," she had said. "But only for every minute out of a hundred. So I act on that one moment even when I'm not in it.”

“I had waited so long to prove myself wrong. To prove that I have room in me for everything I’ve lost and will lose, that the room in my heart will grow with loss and not contract. And I hadn’t just found it to be true; I’d made it true. I am not the shards of a broken glass, but the water let loose from it. The uncontainable thing that will not shatter and stay broken.”

“The world will break you, but it’s when you break yourself that you feel you really can’t heal.”

“I'd ache to flip through the pages of books, to feel the connection of another mind.”

“I am not the shards of a broken glass, but the water let loose from it. The uncontainable thing that will not shatter and stay broken.”

“Every good thing will return to you, my mother used to say.”

“where you’ve been, but you’ve got to keep rising. It all gets farther away, but it’s all still there. And you’ve only got one way to go and you don’t really want to go on rising, but you’ve got to. And that tightness in your chest doesn’t go away, but you somehow go on breathing that thinner, higher air. It’s like you grow a third lung. Like you’ve somehow gotten bigger when you thought you were only broken.”

“You must become someone you haven’t had to be yet.”

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