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سامسای عاشق
Haruki Murakami
Top 10 Best Quotes
“If you think of someone enough, you’re sure to meet them again.”
“But maybe that’s the way it should be. Maybe working on the little things as dutifully and honestly as we can is how we stay sane when the world is falling apart.”
“He was glad to be human. For sure, it was a great inconvenience to have to walk on two legs and wear clothes. There were so many things he didn’t know. Yet had he been a fish or a sunflower, and not a human being, he might never have experienced this emotion.”
“Samsa certainly had no idea what lay ahead. He was in the dark about everything: the future, of course, but the present and the past as well . What was right, and what was wrong? Just learning how to dress was a riddle.”
“If you think of someone enough, you're sure to meet them again.”
“Will I see you again?' Samsa asked one last time. 'If you think of someone enough, you're sure to meet them again,' she said in parting. This time there was real warmth in her voice.”
“It's strange, isn't it?" the woman said in a pensive voice. "Everything is blowing up around us , but there are still those who care about broken lock, and others who are dutiful enough to try to fix it... But maybe that's the way it should be. Maybe working on the little things as dutifully and hostels as we can is how we stay sane when the world is falling apart.”
“He decided not to ask for details. Better to avoid exposing his ignorance even further.”
“It's strange, isn't it?" the woman said in a pensive voice. "Everything is blowing up around us, but there are still those who care about broken lock, and others who are dutifully enough to try to fix it...But may be that's the way it should be. Maybe working on the little things as dutifully and honestly as we can is how we stay sane when the world is falling apart.”
“Samsa looked down in dismay at his naked body. How ill-formed it was! Worse than ill-formed. It possessed no means of self-defense. Smooth white skin (covered by only a perfunctory amount of hair) with fragile blue blood vessels visible through it; a soft, unprotected belly; ludicrous, impossibly shaped genitals; gangly arms and legs (just two of each!); a scrawny, breakable neck; an enormous, misshapen head with a tangle of stiff hair on its crown; two absurd ears, jutting out like a pair of seashells. Was this thing really him? Could a body so preposterous, so easy to destroy (no shell for protection, no weapons for attack), survive in the world?”
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Book Keywords:
love, time, alone, men-without-women, dressing-up, wrong, vulnerable, human, dark, outcast, confusion, riddles, gregor-samsa, future, inspirational-quotes-about-life, right, creature, details, life, present, plans, inconfidence, metamorphosis, ignorance, misery, body, questions