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Burmese Days

George Orwell

Top 10 Best Quotes

“To talk, simply to talk! It sounds so little, and how much it is! When you have existed to the brink of middle age in bitter loneliness, among people to whom your true opinion on every subject on earth is blasphemy, the need to talk is the greatest of all needs.”

“Beauty is meaningless until it is shared.”

“It is one of the tragedies of the half-educated that they develop late, when they are already committed to some wrong way of life.”

“A dull, decent people, cherishing and fortifying their dullness behind a quarter of a million bayonets.”

“it is a corrupting thing to live one's real life in secret. One should live with the stream of life, not against it.”

“Envy is a horrible thing. It is unlike all other kinds of suffering in that there is no disguising it, no elevating it into tragedy. It is more than merely painful, it is disgusting.”

“An earthquake is such fun when it is over.”

“We walk about under a load of memories which we long to share and somehow never can.”

“ is perhaps one's own fault, to see oneself drifting, rotting, in dishonour and horrible futility, and all the while knowing that somewhere within one there is the possibility of a decent human being.”

“Much better hang wrong fellow than no fellow.”

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Book Keywords:

india, war, earthquakes, fun, burma, british-empire, imperialism, pukka-sahibs, britain, colonialism

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