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Claire Keegan
Top 10 Best Quotes
“Many's the man lost much just because he missed a perfect opportunity to say nothing.”
“Eventualities. A good woman can look far down the line and smell what is coming before a man even gets a sniff of it.”
“You don’t ever have to say anything,’ he says. ‘Always remember that as a thing you need never do. Many’s the man lost much just because he missed a perfect opportunity to say nothing.”
“It’s a hard feeling but as we walk along I begin to settle and let the difference between my life at home and the one I have here be.”
“— Everything changes into something else, turns into some version of what it was before.”
“This water is cool and clean as anything I have ever tasted; it tastes of my father leaving, of him never having been there, of having nothing after he was gone.”
“Neither one of us talks, the way people sometimes don’t when they are happy – but as soon as I have this thought, I realise its opposite is also true.”
“Maybe the way back will somehow make sense of the coming.”
“At first, I struggled with some of the bigger words, but Kinsella kept his fingernail under each, patiently, until I guessed it or half-guessed it and then I did this by myself until I no longer needed to guess, and read on. It was like learning to ride the bike; I felt myself taking off, the freedom of going places I couldn’t have gone before, and it was easy.”
“- 'Ah, the women are nearly always right, all the same,' he says. 'Do you know what the women have a gift for?' - 'What?' - 'Eventualities. A good woman can look far down the line and smell what's coming before a man even gets a sniff of it.”
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Book Keywords:
seeing-the-future, women, eventualities