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Inside this Book

If you make use of this material, you may credit the authors as follows:
Nynäs Peter et al. (Editors), "The Diversity Of Worldviews Among Young Adults", Springer Nature, 2022, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-94691-3, License:
This open access volume features a data-rich portrait of what young adults think about the world. It collects the views of students in higher education from various cultural regions, religious traditions, linguistic groups, and political systems. This will help readers better understand a generation that will soon rise to power and influence. The analysis focuses on 12 countries. These include Canada, China, Finland, Ghana, India, Israel, Peru, Poland, Russia, Sweden, Turkey, and the USA. It employs a mixed-methods approach, invested in the study of an individual's views and values using state-of-the-art methodology, including the innovative Faith Q-sort. This instrument is new to the field and developed for assessing the entanglement of subjective views and personal beliefs. The study also incorporates a comprehensive values survey as well as other survey tools that look into people's social capital, media use, social values alignment, and subjective well-being. Each chapter is co-authored by an international team of scholars with research interest in the particular topic. The rationale for this principle is the need to engage individuals from different cultural backgrounds, scholarly disciplines, and methodological and substantive competences. In the end, this innovative approach presents an informed, empirically grounded analysis of the values and worldviews of the future generation. It sheds an important light on how changes in the religious landscape are intertwined with broad and diffuse processes of socio-economic and global cultural change. ; Presents a multidisciplinary exploration of the values and worldviews of a generation that is soon going to rise to power and influence Features a unique mixed-methods approach to the study of religions, worldviews, and values Details a collaborative effort by an international team of scholars from different cultural and academic backgrounds to study a complex and shifting topic
Young Adults And Religion, Q-methodology, Transnational Study Of Religion And Values, Cross-cultural Comparison Of Religiosity, Worldviews And Higher Education, Schwartz Value Survey, Mixed-methods Methodology, Secular And Non-religious, Young Adults As A Social Category, Relational Analysis Of Subjective Worldviews, Case Of ‘idiosyncratic’ And ‘divided’ Worldviews, Global Consensus Of The Y-generation, Global Variation Of Non-religious Worldviews, Fundamentalist And Liquid Worldviews, Self-transcendence Vs. Self-enhancement Of Human Values, Religiosity And Volunteering In Yarg Case Studies, Subjective Life-world Orientations In The East And West, Discrimination And Subjective Wellbeing Among Students, Subjectivities And Value Profiles Among Muslim Students
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