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Atlas of Mineral Deposits Distribution in China (2020)
Inside this Book

If you make use of this material, you may credit the authors as follows:

Qi Fanyu et al., "Atlas of Mineral Deposits Distribution in China (2020)", Springer Nature, 2021, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-16-0972-5, License:

This open access book includes instruction of national mineral database 2020 and atlas of national mineral deposits distribution derived from national mineral database 2020. National mineral database 2020 is based on data from National Geological Archives China(NGAC). Moreover, it introduces the construction method and updates maintenance mechanism of the mineral deposits database and proposes the concept of updating data based on collected archives. The construction guideline on national mineral deposits database provides guiding framework for the future development on geological database.


Geology, Mineralogy, Earth Sciences, General, Earth Sciences, Solid Earth Sciences, National Mineral Database, Mineral Resources, Atlas Of Mineral Resources Distribution, Construction Method On Geologic Data, Data Maintenance Mechanism, Open Access, Geology, Geomorphology & The Lithosphere, Chemistry Of Minerals, Crystals & Gems

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