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Inside this Book

If you make use of this material, you may credit the authors as follows:
Reimers Fernando M. (Editor), "Empowering Teachers to Build a Better World", Springer Nature, 2020, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-15-2137-9, License:
This open access book presents a comparative study on how large-scale professional development programs for teachers are designed and implemented. Around the world, governments and educators are recognizing the need to educate students in a broad range of higher order cognitive skills and socio-emotional competencies, and providing effective opportunities for teachers to develop the expertise needed to teach these skills is a crucial aspect of effective implementation of curricula which include those goals. This study examines how large-scale efforts to empower teachers for deeper instruction have been designed, how they have been implemented, and their outcomes. To do so, it investigates six programs from England, Colombia, Mexico, India, and the United States. Though all six are intended to broaden and deepen students’ curricular aspirations, each takes this expansion of curricular goals in a different direction. The ambitious education reforms studied here explicitly focus on building teachers’ capacity to teach on a broader set of goals. Through a discerning analysis of program documents, evaluations, and interviews with senior leaders and participants in the programs, the book identifies the various theories of action used in these programs, examines how they were implemented, and discusses what they achieved. As such, it offers an indispensable resource for education leaders interested in designing and implementing professional development programs for teachers that are aligned with ambitious instructional goals.
Teaching And Teacher Education, Educational Policy And Politics, Curriculum Studies, Education Policy, Sociology Of Education, Open Access, Large Scale Professional Development Programs, Teacher Education And Deeper Learning, Teacher Education And Twenty First Century Skills, Supporting Teacher Knowledge Development, Supporting Teacher Pedagogical Development, Designing Teacher Professional Development, Implementing Teacher Professional Development, National Education Reforms And Teacher Professional Development, Comparative Teacher Education, Mastery Math Reform In England, District Based Teacher Professional Development, Teacher Professional Development In Colombia, Teacher Professional Development Mexico, Teacher Professional Development In India, Teacher Professional Development In Cambodia, Teacher Professional Development In Usa, Teacher Training, Educational Strategies & Policy, Curriculum Planning & Development, Central / National / Federal Government Policies, Sociology, Education, Social Research & Statistics
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