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Inside this Book

If you make use of this material, you may credit the authors as follows:
van Wilgen Brian W. et al. (Editors), "Biological Invasions in South Africa", Springer Nature, 2020, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-32394-3, License:
This open access volume presents a comprehensive account of all aspects of biological invasions in South Africa, where research has been conducted over more than three decades, and where bold initiatives have been implemented in attempts to control invasions and to reduce their ecological, economic and social effects. It covers a broad range of themes, including history, policy development and implementation, the status of invasions of animals and plants in terrestrial, marine and freshwater environments, the development of a robust ecological theory around biological invasions, the effectiveness of management interventions, and scenarios for the future. The South African situation stands out because of the remarkable diversity of the country, and the wide range of problems encountered in its varied ecosystems, which has resulted in a disproportionate investment into both research and management. The South African experience holds many lessons for other parts of the world, and this book should be of immense value to researchers, students, managers, and policy-makers who deal with biological invasions and ecosystem management and conservation in most other regions.
Biodiversity, Conservation Biology/ecology, Ecology, Animal Systematics/taxonomy/biogeography, Ecosystems, Plant Pathology, Freshwater And Marine Ecology, Biological Taxonomy, South Africa, Terrestrial, Vertebrate Invasions, Aquatic Plants, Freshwater Ecosystems, Invasive Biota, Prince Edward Islands, Coastal Invasions, Pathogens, Urban Invasions, Alien Organisms, Abiotic Factors, Agricultural Crops, Invasive Insect Pests, Open Access, Conservation Of The Environment, Ecological Science, The Biosphere, Zoology & Animal Sciences, Taxonomy & Systematics, Botany & Plant Sciences
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