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There You'll Find Me

Jenny B. Jones

Top 10 Best Quotes

“You can talk to your old dad about anything, you know. Except boys. And bras. And that Bieber fellow.”

“To truly try means to accept God's love, his healing, to accept the world can be ugly, but your heart doesn't have to be. It takes courage, Finley the warrior. You haven't held on to your anger and bitterness in search of healing, but as a banner of your hurt. Because it's real and visible and strong, " she said. "But so is God's love and so are those arms he's holding out for you.”

“- We don't even like each other. - I pretty much can't stand you. And then his lips crushed to mine.”

“When I get to heaven one day, I'm going to ask God how it's possible that time moves so much quicker on the weekends than on school days.”

“You’re a teenager. It’s all complicated.”

“My fate is like those envelopes – sealed and tossed aside.”

“Does your love reach this far, God? And if it extends to heaven and beyond… why can’t it seem to find me?”

“This is Ireland, Finley. It's rough. It's wild. And it is holy.”

“In all these things, I am more than victorious through Him who loves me.”

“What is it you want, Finley Sinclair?" Some peace. Some healing. To hear God's voice again. I wanted to find my brother's Ireland. To put it into song. And I wanted my heart back. "I'll know it when I find it." I looked past Beckett and into the night sky. "Or when it finds me.”

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Book Keywords:

hopelessness, complicated, love, fate, faith, growing-up, teenager, god-s-love

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