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Jane Steele

Lyndsay Faye

Top 10 Best Quotes

“I hope that the epitaph of the human race when the world ends will be: Here perished a species which lived to tell stories. We tell stories to strangers to ingratiate ourselves, stories to lovers to better adhere us skin to skin, stories in our heads to banish the demons. When we tell truth, often we are callous; when we tell lies, often we are kind. Through it all, we tell stories, and we own an uncanny knack for the task.”

“And in a way I have always thought that words are alive a little, for they can whisper sweet nothings and roar dragon flame with equal efficiency.”

“Though I no longer presumed to have a conscience, I have never once lacked feelings.”

“Some tragedies bind us, as lies do; they are ropes braided of hurt and bitterness, and you cannot ever fully understand how pinioned you are until the ties are loosened.”

“I relate to this story almost as I would a friend or a lover - at times I want to breathe its entire alphabet into my lungs, and at others I should prefer to throw it across the room.”

“We are all of us daily decaying, after all; the speed is our only variant.”

“If I must go to hell to find my mother again, so be it: I will be another embodied disaster. But I will be a beautiful disaster.”

“Some cities bustle, some meander, I have read; London blazes and it incinerates. London is the wolf's maw. From the instant I arrived there, I loved every smoldering inch of it”

“secrets decay, as corpses do, growing ranker over time.”

“We tell stories to strangers to ingratiate ourselves, stories to lovers to better adhere us skin to skin, stories in our heads to banish the demons. When we tell the truth, often we are callous; when we tell lies, often we are kind. Through it all, we tell stories, and we own an uncanny knack for the task.”

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Book Keywords:

re-telling, fiction, reading, words, stories-writing, feelings, jane-eyre, writing, books

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