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Revolution Indomable

Abhijit Naskar

Top 10 Best Quotes

“Calling love a philosophy is like calling the air we breathe a philosophy or the water we drink a philosophy or the ground we stand on a philosophy. Love is the very foundation of human existence.”

“Be not scared to sail into the storm, every storm reveals the jewels of life. Be not scared to walk into the dark, your footsteps are the very light the dark is afraid of.”

“The real practical revolution begins when you stand up in front of an everyday injustice and say - "no more".”

“Injustice rises only in the absence of humanity.”

“I feel, think and behave the same, whether I am talking to a president of a nation, a scholar, a janitor or a sex worker. I have nothing to hide and nothing to gain, hence I have no need for pretense.”

“Without revolution, civilization comes to halt, because with complacency arrives indifference, and with indifference comes the fall of civilization.”

“When a beast invades your house and starts abusing your loved ones, would you sit back waiting for the authorities to intervene - you may, but I can't - I won't - for me family and society are one, and when wild animals run rampant abusing that family of mine, I would die defending my family, not sit back like a spineless coward.”

“TTime and again the need arises for one fierce sword of character to stand face to face with the inhumans and bigots, and announce with an earth-shaking fervor - from this moment on, you are only inches away from extinction - at night look closely to every shadow - and by the light of day know that I am just one step behind you - mark me - one sinister move, one malicious deed and I will swoop down on you like god's thunder - from this moment on, I own your evil heart, and I will crush it, if you hurt the people anymore.”

“Nature has given you legs, not to travel the safe and common road, but to discover new territory - to draw new maps.”

“My science is not separate from my humanity - they fulfill each other - they empower each other.”

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Book Keywords:

revolution, humility, snobbery, racism, service-of-humanity, human-rights, to-be-human, bigotry, life-lessons, courageous, justice, philosophy-of-science, humanitarianism, black-lives-matter, pretense, freethought, crisis, discrimination, activism, humble, differentiation, hypocrisy, sage-sayings, free-thought, segregation, tyranny, progress, discover, serving-humanity, tradition, discovery, be-the-change, fear, savagery, character, pearls-of-wisdom, philosophy-of-love, oppression, darkness, activist, prejudice, science, action, speak-up, inspiring, sacrifice, love, courage, storm, stand-up, simplicity, social-issues, brainy-quotes, inhumanity, revolutionary, pretending, rigidity, braveheart, injustice, humanitarian, be-the-light

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