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The Energy Formula: Six life changing ingredients to unleash your limitless potential

Shawn Wells

Top 10 Best Quotes

“You cannot live with intent if you don’t know what your own intentions are.”

“If we build a tribe of like-minded people, we never have to be alone again. But it’s more than that; together, and I actually mean this, we can change the world.”

“When we feel the ground beneath our feet, the sun on our faces and the oxygen in our lungs, we experience the world around us and reconnect with nature.”

“We must finally stop and ask, “Is this the life I want for myself?”

“We are not that busy; we are just distracted.”

“The last words you should say to anyone at night—whether it’s your spouse, your children, your dog, your cat or yourself—are “I love you.”

“Sugar and fat don’t occur together in nature. Food scientists combine them in processed foods, which override our systems and make us crave more.”

“Eustress supports bio-resilience, offering constructive pressure that can ultimately boost your energy. Distress, or negative stress, does the opposite, leading to anxiety or an inability to perform, which lowers your energy.”

“By waking up 30 minutes earlier than usual, you can transform and energize your morning and your life.”

“Ask yourself a simple question: “How do I wake up every morning?” By that, I mean, what do those first few moments of consciousness feel like?”

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Book Keywords:

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