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Honest Wrestling: Questions of Faith When Attacked by Life

K. Howard Joslin

Top 10 Best Quotes

“We are all tired of the stress.”

“Don’t ever discount the cry of your heart. God may be working in your heart to bring about his sovereign plan.”

“Ann: I feel like I should read verses and be comforted. But it doesn’t happen.”

“Ann: How my heart has ached. How empty I have felt. How I’ve ached to hold my two babies.”

“Quite frankly we are both tired of the race we have been asked to run.”

“I shared what we were learning, so that others might grow in their faith through the testing of ours.”

“God had not abandoned us. He was actively working behind the scenes, when I had no means or spirit to fight.”

“Ann prayed because of a gut-wrenching, throbbing pain in her soul. She urgently begged the Lord for her life.”

“We don’t know why God chose to deliver Peter from death and James through death. The text doesn’t say.”

“Joseph’s trials were unjust, inexplicable and heartrending. Yet Joseph knew God, and he knew that God had a plan.”

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Book Keywords:

trails, life, pain, endurance, trials, miscarriage, cancer, martyrs, patience, testing, doubts, death, babies, trials-of-life, opponents, gods-plan, prayer, deliverance, injustice, hope, faith, race, stress, soul

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