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Gift & Giver: The Holy Spirit for Today
Craig S. Keener
Top 10 Best Quotes
“So pervasively has Enlightenment culture’s anti-supernaturalism affected the Western church, especially educated European and North American Christians, that most of us are suspicious of anything supernatural.”
“If we must “feel” God’s presence before we believe he is with us, we again reduce God to our ability to grasp him, making him an idol instead of acknowledging him as God.”
“Spiritual giftedness does not guarantee that we hear from God rightly on every point.”
“He does miracles when we need them—not for our entertainment or to make us feel “spiritual.”
“Granted, God is sovereign and can speak as he pleases—through a proof text, a poem, or Balaam’s donkey. But we do not regularly seek out donkeys to tell us how to live.”
“Using only nonnarrative portions of the Bible to interpret narrative is not only disrespectful to the narrative portions but also suggests a misguided approach to nonnarrative parts of the Bible.”
“The fact that our traditional method of extracting doctrine from Scripture does not work well on narrative does not mean that Bible stories do not send clear messages. Instead, it suggests that the way we apply our traditional method of interpretation is inadequate because we are ignoring too much of God’s Word.”
“One of the first steps we should take in knowing God’s voice is knowing God’s heart.”
“Millions of Bible-reading Christians who today call themselves charismatics do not believe in health and wealth teachings.”
“Many of us who affirm and practice spiritual gifts would feel more comfortable among anticharismatics who are at least grounded in Scripture than among such flaky charismatics.”
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Book Keywords:
supernatural, charismatics, enlightenment, craig-s-keener, miracles, god, scripture, bible-interpretation, spiritual-gifts, hearing-god, god-s-sovereignty, bible-stories, bible, god-s-presence, health-and-wealth