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The Squirrel that Dreamt of Madness

Craig Stone

Top 10 Best Quotes

“I want to avoid people, because there’s only one thing worse than being homeless, and that’s people who are not, knowing that you are.”

“Without the sleeping bag I'm just somebody up early in the morning, sitting under a tree. With the sleeping bag I'm nobody up early, sitting under a tree: a slight, but important difference in how I’ll be perceived.”

“Some days I am the flower beneath the machine. And the machine rolls slowly on, blocking the sun, without a care for what it tramples beneath.”

“When we’re young nothing offends us, except adults telling us what should. Then when we become adults, nothing offends us, except we are offended on behalf of our young.”

“We used to talk and smile seven days ago when I was wearing a suit. Now I'm dressed in a beard and smell of dog shit I don’t even get eye contact. I ask her how her week is going, and she looks to her friend behind the counter as if to say: I think this creep is hitting on me. Shall we call the police?”

“We dream of the world we could have made, and wake up in the world that we did.”

“Smile sometimes: it won’t add years to your life, but it will add life to your years.”

“Nobody has to do anything wrong to end up living a life that feels like it’s not their own, all they have to do is take a step back, and hope for the best.”

“My eyes open after my mind. All eyes always do.”

“We only borrow the breaths we take in life. Every breath we borrow we give back, including our last. In the end, no matter how we lived, we all die feeling owed.”

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Book Keywords:

philosophy, life, homelessness, dreams, death, society, poverty, depression, poverty-humannature, offence

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