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ONE: Unfolding God's Eternal Purpose from House to House

Henry Hon

Top 10 Best Quotes

“People's hearts are opened when they speak freely.”

“Unity in the secular world and sadly among most Christian churches is based on uniformity of interest or viewpoints. The oneness in Jesus Christ crosses all boundaries and separations. Anyone with the faith of Jesus Christ can immediately enjoy the innate oneness with another who also has the faith of Jesus regardless of differing political or doctrinal views.”

“When a person denies his conscience for too long, it can become seared. That person becomes susceptible to receiving and accepting all sorts of harmful and evil things. This is true for both believers and unbelievers. A seared conscience will open a person up to demonic spirits and activities.”

“The world conforms people to a certain way of thinking and living through external influences such as advertising and fashion. But believers are being transformed by an indwelling life according to the divine 'DNA' from within.”

“Every believer is called to teach and each needs to exercise toward this function. Otherwise, they will remain a babe and never mature. Sharing what the believer has learned should begin as soon as a person comes to know the Lord.”

“The believer's job is to shine out Christ in their living and in their speaking.”

“Reading God's Word and receiving the knowledge of Jesus Christ renews the believer's mind and transforms it to His mind. The minds of immature believers will be focused on selfish ambitions, but as they open themselves up to read the Word concerning Jesus, they enter into fellowship with Him and their thinking begins to change--to be renewed. As a result of such a renewing of the mind, they spontaneously start to look out for the interest of others and to genuinely and unselfishly care for others; they do not consider themselves better than everyone else.”

“Normally when Christians go to church, they do not have to prepare to contribute anything other than some money for the tithing plate in their 'Sunday best.' They go to listen and watch those who have done the preparations carry out their professional services. Therefore, there is a hard shift in the concept that assembling according to the New Testament is very different and will require preparation, if the goal is to build up the assembly. Since an assembly's activities depend on member's contributions, if no one prays, sings, or says anything concerning Jesus it will be a very dead and boring gathering -- or the gathering will end up focused on other things. Therefore, a proper assembly requires every member to prepare something to bring and share. This is why 1 Corinthians 14:26 speaks of each one having a hymn, a lesson, a revelation, etc.”

“If your conscience objects, surely God also objects since He is even greater.”

“God became a real man, had a real birth, and had a real, physical body. This is an essential point of the Christian faith”

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Book Keywords:

priesthood-of-the-believer, professionalism, renewing-the-mind, demons, birth-of-christ, son-of-god, witnessing, clear-conscience, why, morality, simple-church, why-is-there-evil, praying, changing-your-thinking, evangelism, speaking-from-the-heart, contributions, separations, right-and-wrong, ministry, political-views, overcoming-racism, secular-world, character, god, singing, advertising, good-conscience, transformation, organic-church, points-of-light, bible, uniformity, ethics, virgin-birth, christianity, jesus, oneness, house-church, shootings, heart, conscience, evil, human-conscience, heart-felt, evil-spirits, living-for-christ, incarnation, conformity, fashion, thinking, bible-reading, fellowship, god-became-flesh, heart-to-heart, inner-life, ekklesia, hymn-singing, calling, moral-compass, christmas, matters-of-the-heart, dna, conviction, viewpoints, lifestyle, christian-living, boring, change-of-mind, universal-priesthood, be-a-light, revelations, sharing, ambition, church, boundaries, let-your-light-shine, tithing, worldview

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