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Look Who's Back

Timur Vermes

Top 10 Best Quotes

“To begin with I thought we were driving around in circles until I realised that Herr Starbuck owned dozens of coffee houses.”

“We all know, of course, what to make of our newspapers. The deaf man writes down what the blind man has told him, the village idiot edits it, and their colleagues in the other press houses copy it. Each story is doused afresh with the same stagnant infusion of lies, so that the “splendid” brew can then be served up to a clueless Volk.”

“One never knows when and why such people start talking; frequently they only open their mouths because they realize they haven’t said anything yet, or because they’re worried that if they continue to remain silent they will be regarded as insignificant.”

“It came as no surprise to learn of the success the Swede has recently enjoyed with his furniture. In that rotten state of his the Swede is permanently on the lookout for firewood, so it is no wonder that from time to time this might result in the odd table or chair.”

“The telephone, it struck me at that moment, is the wrong means of communication for people without ears.”

“And oh, how a warrior drunk on victory can enchant a young woman.”

“the moment a politician removes his shirt, his policies are dead in the water. All he will say is, “Look, my dear fellow countrymen, I have made the most extraordinary discovery: my policies look better without a shirt on.”

“In my opinion, only bakers need to work early in the morning. And the Gestapo, of course—that is self-evident. To tear the Bolshevist rabble from their beds, so long as they are not Bolshevist bakers. For they would already be awake, and thus the Gestapo, for their part, would have to get up even earlier, and so on and so forth.”

“Had I known back then just how cheap it was to employ Poles, I might as well have leapfrogged their country.”

“And as for appearing in swimming trunks—well, that is the most preposterous thing imaginable. You couldn’t dissuade Mussolini from doing it. And more recently that suspect Russian leader has been doing it too. An interesting fellow, no question, but as far as I am concerned it is a foregone conclusion: the moment a politician removes his shirt, his policies are dead in the water. All he will say is, “Look, my dear fellow countrymen, I have made the most extraordinary discovery: my policies look better without a shirt on.”

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