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Mia Sheridan

Top 10 Best Quotes

“Maybe having something good and then having to let it go is more painful that never knowing what you're missing”

“Sometimes, you don't even realize anything is wrong until someone comes along and changes you”

“I really, really like how you make me feel – like if you looked at me every day, the way you’re looking at me right now, I could do anything, be anything, be more”

“In life, there are those who save us, both in big ways and in small. Sometimes that means being set free from a dark, windowless room, or being pulled out of a burning building. More often, it means being saved from yourself, and made to finally believe that letting someone love you, isn't just a big lie that you're unwilling to tell.”

“Tell me you’re mine,” he whispered. “I’m yours. I’ve always been yours,” I breathed out.”

“Why do you call me Buttercup?”

“Sometimes therapy takes years and years, and sometimes it can happen in one miraculous instant, a lifetime of doubt and self-hatred healed in a moment of astounding love.”

“She took part of my pain and made it her own. I didn’t want her to hurt, but to share my scars with another human was a relief that I hadn’t even known I needed until I got it.”

“She stared into my eyes. “Oh shit. You idiot. You totally did! You fell in love with the porn star!” She groaned, leaning back and sliding down in her chair. “Oh God, this is worse than I thought. When you let loose, you really go all out, don’t you girlfriend? Holy crapola.”

“Lose control, baby. Just for a weekend. Let me take charge. I’ll take good care of you, I promise.”

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Book Keywords:

healing, love

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