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The Hawai'i Bathroom Book

John Richard Stephens

Top 10 Best Quotes

“Hawai'i is the only place in the fifty states where you can see the stars of the entire northern and southern hemispheres. Here, stars that can't be seen from the mainland are visible, along with stars that aren't visible from Australia.”

“Traditional Saying (Hawaiian): Only when the water gourd isn't full do you hear it gurgling. (Those who are ignorant have an awful lot to say.)”

“Hawai'i is the most isolated population center on Earth, with the nearest points being between Hilo on the Big Island and San Francisco in CA 2,315 miles away.”

“Traditional (Hawaiian Saying): A road goes down, up and level. In other words. life is like a road.”

“The only good thing about leaving Hawai'i is that you really appreciate it when you return.”

“Setting aside embassies, consulates and military bases, Rose Atoll of American Samoa is the southernmost point of U.S. controlled territory. Guam, Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands, and half a dozen other islands are all further south than Ka Lae. While Ka Lae is not the southermost point of the United States, it is the southernmosr point of the fifty states.”

“Macadamia nuts can be fatal to dogs, sometimes causing seizures and kidney failure.”

“I realize we can't turn back the hands of time, and sometimes it doesn't help to dwell on things we can't control. However, there are still many wonderful aspects of Hawai'i that we tend to neglect. It's a matter of priorities. I guess. But when we don't give these islands a chance. I think we really lose out. ("Mele Mele" Mango Memorie WITH SAM CHOY: COOKING FROM THE HEART)”

“Did you know? Duke Kahanamoku competed in four Olympics from 1912 to 1932 setting three world-records, while winning three gold medals, two silver, and one bronze.”

“Coming to Hawai'i is like going from black and white to color.”

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Book Keywords:

dogs, hawaiian-islands, poison-to-canines, ignorance, southern-most-point-of-us, surfers, hawaiian, hawaiian-saying, dogs-diets, hilo, macademia-nuts, isolated, sam-choy, olympics, paradise, big-island, stars, ka-lae, hawaii

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