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Emaan-The power of change within

Ismat Ahmed Shaikh

Top 10 Best Quotes

“Your mind can see things which your eyes can never do.”

“You must know who you are. Because the world will see you the way you see yourself.”

“When you tap on the demon within you, you will forget to fear the ghosts outside.”

“When life asks you, "what do you want from me?" I hope you do not say, "My favorite hamburger”

“What you want to be is neither big nor small. When you recognize the divinity within you, whether you are a celebrity or a layman would not really matter.”

“What you think is your view. When others accept your view it becomes a belief. Build this belief. It has the capacity to get you anything.”

“Use determination to fly even if you do not have wings.”

“Thoughts are extremely powerful. Everything that becomes your reality must be first accepted by your thoughts.”

“This strangeness is so different as if I know it somehow. It's not strange anymore, like to me, you are now.”

“The universe is governed by chaos. To understand it learn not to understand.”

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Book Keywords:

spiritual, philosophy-quotes, inspirational, inspiritional-quotes, wisdom, wisdom-quotes, inspirational-quotes, spirituality, inspiritional, spiritual-quotes, philosophy, philosophical

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