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Half of a Yellow Sun

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Top 10 Best Quotes

“You must never behave as if your life belongs to a man. Do you hear me?” Aunty Ifeka said. “Your life belongs to you and you alone.”

“This was love: a string of coincidences that gathered significance and became miracles.”

“There are some things that are so unforgivable that they make other things easily forgivable.”

“ point is that the only authentic identity for the African is the tribe...I am Nigerian because a white man created Nigeria and gave me that identity. I am black because the white man constructed black to be as different as possible from his white. But I was Igbo before the white man came.”

“Then she wished, more rationally, that she could love him without needing him. Need gave him power without his trying; need was the choicelessness she often felt around him.”

“You can't write a script in your mind and then force yourself to follow it. You have to let yourself be.”

“The real tragedy of our postcolonial world is not that the majority of people had no say in whether or not they wanted this new world; rather, it is that the majority have not been given the tools to negotiate this new world.”

“She wanted to ask him why they were all strangers who shared the same last name.”

“And it's wrong of you to think that love leaves room for nothing else. It's possible to love something and still condescend to it.”

“The truth has become an insult.”

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Book Keywords:

men, love, hypocrisy, family-relationships, truth, life-lessons, denial, kainene, political-correctness, justice

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