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Beautiful Darkness

Kami Garcia

Top 10 Best Quotes

“We don't get to chose what is true. We only get to choose what we do about it.”

“In Light there is Dark, and in Dark there is Light.”

“High school sucked. It was a universal truth, and whoever said these were supposed to be the best years of your life was probably drunk or delusional.”

“There’s something about sitting alone in the dark that reminds you how big the world really is, and how far apart we all are. The stars look like they’re so close, you could reach out and touch them. But you can’t. Sometimes things look a lot closer than they are.”

“I had never been this mad at her before. It was one thing to be attacked by someone you hated, but this was something else. This was the kind of hurt that could only be inflicted by someone you loved, who you thought loved you. It was sort of like being stabbed from the inside out.”

“When you look up/ Do you see the blue sky of what might be / Or the darkness of what will never be? / Do you see me?

“I loved her, atom by atom, one burning cell at a time.”

“The stars look like they're so close, you could reach out and touch them. But you can't. Sometimes things look a lot closer than they are.”

“Stairway to Hell or Yellow Brick Road? Why don't you give your Magic 8 Ball a shake and see if it's ready to play again.”

“All truths are easy to understand once they have been discovered; the point is to discover them.”

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Book Keywords:

light, distance, humour, beautiful-creatures, lovers, choices, size, closeness, apartment, high-school, dark, darkness, far, hurt, world, stars, truth, thoughtful, beautiful-darkness, sitting

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