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Chronicles of Avonlea

L.M. Montgomery

Top 10 Best Quotes

“Gossip, as usual, was one-third right and two-thirds wrong.”

“She had a way of embroidering life with stars.”

“Desire grows by what it feeds on.”

“He had learned the rare secret that you must take happiness when you find it - that there is no use in marking the place and coming back to it at a more convenient season, because it will not be there then.”

“Anyone who has sympathy and understanding to give has a treasure that is without money and without price.”

“I had always disliked men. It must have been born in me, because, as far back as I can remember, an antipathy to men and dogs was one of my strongest characteristics. I was noted for that. My experiences through life only served to deepen it. The more I saw of men, the more I liked cats.”

“Oh, daddy, by what witchcraft have you coaxed that sulky rose-bush into bloom?' 'No witchcraft at all - it just bloomed because you were coming home, baby,' said her father.”

“I CAN help people—I've learned that money isn't the only power for helping people. Anyone who has sympathy and understanding to give has a treasure that is without money and without price.”

“Even eighty-odd is sometimes vulnerable to vanity.”

“There are some people to whom life will never be anything more than a kitchen garden; and there are others to whom it will always be a royal palace with domes and minarets of rainbow fancy.”

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Book Keywords:

happiness-in-life, right, father-daughter, vanity, wishes, wrong, truth, gossip, happiness-in-simpleness, opportunism, elderly, happiness-in-hard-times, father-daughter-relationship, senior-citizens, desire

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