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The Book of Questions

Pablo Neruda

Top 10 Best Quotes

“In what language does rain fall over tormented cities?”

“With which stars do they go on speaking,the rivers that never reach the sea?”

“Donde termina el arco iris, en tu alma o en el horizonte? Where does the rainbow end, in your soul or on the horizon?”

“Tell me, is the rose naked or is that her only dress? Why do trees conceal the splendor of their roots? Who hears the regrets of the thieving automobile? Is there anything in the world sadder than a train standing in the rain?”

“Sufre mas el que espera siempre que aquel que nunca espero a nadie? Does he who is always waiting suffer more than he who’s never waited for anyone?”

“Si todos los rios son dulces de donde saca sal el mar? If all rivers are sweet where does the sea get its salt?”

“What will they say about my poetry who never touched my blood? Que diran de mi poesia los que no tocaron mi sangre?”

“Is there anything in the world sadder than a train standing in the rain?”

“Here is the solitude from which you are absent. It is raining. The sea wind is hunting stray gulls. The water walks barefoot in the wet streets. From that tree the leaves complain as though they were sick. White bee, even when you are gone, you live in my soul. You live again in time, slender and silent. Ah, you who are silent.”

“Why wasn't Christopher Columbus able to discover Spain?”

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Book Keywords:

nature, suffering, longing, hope, passion, rainbow, soul, poetry, philosophical

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