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For the Love: Fighting for Grace in a World of Impossible Standards
Jen Hatmaker
Top 10 Best Quotes
“One of the best parts of being human is other humans. It's true, because life is hard; but people get to show up for one another, as God told us to, and we remember we are loved and seen and God is here and we are not alone. We can't deliver folks from their pits, but we can sure get in there with them until God does.”
“If it isn’t also true for a poor single Christian mom in Haiti, it isn’t true.”
“Sometimes kids get a mean teacher or a class they don’t like or an inflexible deadline even though that child was “exhausted the night before.” We should not cushion every blow. This is life. Learning to deal with struggle and to develop responsibility is crucial. A good parent prepares the child for the path, not the path for the child. We can still demonstrate gentle and attached parenting without raising children who melt on a warm day.”
“Instead of waiting for community, provide it, and you’ll end up with it anyway.”
“I seek only friends who bleed and sweat and laugh and cry. Don’t fear your humanity; it is your best offering.”
“You’d be surprised how powerful kindness actually is. I am not being dramatic: you can save hearts and lives with grace. Do”
“God measures our entire existence by only two things: how we love Him and how we love people.”
“Unattended hurt, anger, and bitterness can destroy even the best marriage. Lean honestly into every hard place, each tender spot, because truthfulness hurts for a minute but silence is the kill shot.”
“We can have our junk together in a thousand areas, but if we don’t have love, we are totally bankrupt.”
“Folks who thrive in God’s grace give grace easily, but the self-critical person becomes others-critical. We “love” people the way we “love” ourselves, and if we are not good enough, then no one is. We keep ourselves brutally on the hook, plus our husbands, our kids, our friends, our churches, our leaders, anyone “other.” When we impose unrealistic expectations on ourselves, it’s natural to force them on everyone else.”
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Book Keywords:
truthfulness, love, loving-others, bitterness, marriage