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Mr Salary

Sally Rooney

Top 10 Best Quotes

“My love for him felt so total and so annihilating that it was often impossible for me to see him clearly at all.”

“It was in my nature to absorb large volumes of information during times of distress, like I could master the distress through intellectual dominance.”

“Nothing inside my body was trying to kill me. Death was, of course, the most ordinary thing that could happen, at some level I knew that. Still, I had stood there waiting to see the body in the river, ignoring the real living bodies all around me, as if death was more of a miracle than life was.”

“We were predictable to each other, like two halves of the same brain.”

“Emotionally, I saw myself as a smooth, hard little ball. He couldn’t get purchase on me. I just rolled away.”

“My love for him felt so total and so annihilating that it was often impossible for me to see him clearly at all. If he left my line of sight for more than a few seconds, I couldn’t even remember what his face looked like.”

“These cells may look fairly normal, but they are not.”

“They hated each other and I mediated their mutual hatred in a way that made me feel successfully feminine.”

“When will we know if this was a bad idea or not? Should we already know? Because now it feels good”

“My love for him felt so total and so annihilating that it was often impossible for me to see him clearly at all. If he left my line of sight for more than a few seconds I couldn't even remember what his face looked like. I had read that infant animals formed attachments to inappropriate things sometimes, like falcons falling in love with their human breeders, or pandas with zookeepers, things like that. I once sent Nathan a list of articles about this phenomenon. Maybe I shouldn't have come to your christening, he replied.”

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Book Keywords:

love, romance, death-and-dying

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