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Constantina Maud
Top 10 Best Quotes
“Wouldn’t the joys of life lose all colour, if life was eternal?”
“True siblings are bound together by far more essential things than blood, while more times than many blood isn't thicker than water.”
“Everything makes so much more sense, when you forget what life forces you to remember.”
“Why should injustice, the darkness of justice, exist and not be an imperfect entry in a book unread for centuries? Until it is so forgotten, that no one remembers it was ever there.”
“That's what friends, that's what brethren are for. To be there, where words cannot.”
“Envy, however, is a thoroughly doomed state. And the only pity would be to let it introduce hatred to your heart. Hate only what you love.”
“What a thraldom, to be able to dream and only then to be free!”
“Influence is like the tide. Sometimes it goes, sometimes, however, it comes.”
“Why must we overlook what we are most likely able to do?”
“As usual, however, those who strive to understand have no power to act.”
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Book Keywords:
friendship, reality, death, envy, greek, law, fantasy, politics, friends, justice, quote, vryx, friend, brothers, authentic, hate, hydranos, literary-fiction, authenticity, literary-quote, existentialism, life, literary-fantasy, mortality, epic-fantasy, siblings, friendship-quotes, brethren, sisters, mindfulness, love, immortality, philosophy, dreams, injustice, high-fantasy