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The Rachel Papers

Martin Amis

Top 10 Best Quotes

“Impartially, shrewdly, I considered suicide, though not in my worst moments. The bottle of pills. The note: 'No hard feelings, everyone, but I've thought about it and it's just not on, is it? It's nearly on, but not quite. No? Anyway, all the best, C.”

“The thing is that I am a member of that sad, ever-dwindling minority... the child of an unbroken home. I have carried this albatross since the age of eleven, when I started at grammar school. Not a day would pass without somebody I knew turning out to be adopted or illegitimate, or to have mothers who were about to hare off with some bloke, or to have dead fathers and shabby stepfathers. What busy lives they led. How I envied their excuses for introspection, their ear-marked receptacles for every just antagonism and noble loyalty.”

“Don't I ever do anything else but take soulful walks down the Bayswater Road, I thought, as I walked soulfully down the Baywater Road.”

“This had seemed a safe choice, since to be against the Beatles (late-middle period) is to be against life.”

“Sex was like Disneyland to her: an allotment of organized wonders and legal mischief.”

“You don't have problems, only a capacity for feeling anxious about them, which shifts and jostles but doesn't change.”

“Since Henry Miller's Tropic books, of course, it has become difficult to talk sensibly about girls' c*nts.”

“So I am nineteen years old and don’t usually know what I’m doing, snap my thoughts out of the printed page, get my looks from other eyes, do not overtake dotards and cripples in the street for fear I will depress them with my agility, love watching children and animals at play but wouldn’t mind seeing a beggar kicked or a little girl run over because it’s all experience, dislike myself and sneer at a world less nice and less intelligent than me. I take it this is fairly routine?”

“Like most people, I feel ambiguous guilt for my inferiors, ambiguous envy for my superiors, and mandatory low-spirits about the system itself.”

“[On STDs] This be Nature’s way of recommending monogamy.”

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Book Keywords:

beatles, suicide-note, humour, truth, suicide

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