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The Geeks Shall Inherit the Earth: Popularity, Quirk Theory and Why Outsiders Thrive After High School

Alexandra Robbins

Top 10 Best Quotes

“Conformity is not an admirable trait. Conformity is a copout. It threatens self-awareness. It can lead groups to enforce rigid and arbitrary rules.”

“Unruly geeks change the world”

“It was the fact that they tried so hard that doomed them.”

“No student should be encouraged -- by anyone -- to change himself until he's "normal," a term that says everything and means nothing.”

“Nothing is more unnerving to the truly conventional than the unashamed misfit.”

“Although she was gregarious, she inadvertently separated herself from people because she was so often inside her own head, focusing on her creativity.”

“When a child sees herself through the prism of her peer group, the resulting self image can be distorted.”

“If there is a single factor that spells out the difference between the cafeteria fringe headed for greatness and those doomed for low self-worth, even more than a caring teacher or a group of friends, it is supportive, accepting parents who not only love their children unconditionally, but also don't make them feel as if their idiosyncrasies qualify as "conditions" in the first place.”

“If schools celebrated student scientists the same way they celebrate student athletes, more students would be encouraged to pursue the subject. Instead, science is considered nerdy because schools help students to paint it that way.”

“What made Einstein special was his impertinence, his nonconformity, and his distaste for dogma. Einstein’s genius reminds us that a society’s competitive advantage comes not from teaching the multiplication or periodic tables but from nurturing rebels. Grinds have their place, but unruly geeks change the world. (Walter Issacson, Wired)”

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Book Keywords:

approval, peer-pressure, nonchalance, geeks, imagination, fitting-in, parenting, introversion, popularity, robbins, acceptance, mentoring

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