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Touched by Love
Donna Goddard
Top 10 Best Quotes
“ Although we have goodwill towards everyone, our response to people needs to be appropriate to the situation. Otherwise, we can become foolish, weak, conciliatory or naive. If a gentle word works, wonderful. If not, we may need to be more direct. If that still doesn’t work, spiritually-conscious beings have a great deal of power backing them to use for the purpose of protecting the evolution of all that is genuinely good.”
“When we love another person, it is we who love. The other may ignite our love but it is we who decide to love. We need to magnify our decision to love whether people love us or not.”
“The price of a successful relationship is devotion. Devotion is, essentially, commitment to something we value. What are we devoted to? Surely not what another person wants. I think most people would agree that being devoted to that would be problematic even with the best of people. So, what exactly are we devoted to? We are devoted to the well-being of another person. And we are devoted to the well-being of the relationship. We honour the other person’s value and the relationship’s worth. ”
“Self-oriented people are inclusive only of those they believe will further their own motives and causes. More evolved people understand that inclusivity is the most productive and positive way to be. As such, their endeavours are life-enhancing, successful, and significantly contributory. Truly inclusive people do not gossip, listen to gossip, seek to pull other people down, view competition as a play of personal power, or try to gain benefit from someone else’s suffering. Instead, their eyes, mind, and talents are directed towards whatever is best for everyone in any given situation.”
“No one has to be a martyr on the spiritual path. On the contrary, everyone should be entirely selfish. Not selfish in the normal sense of the word, but selfish in the way of knowing that the spiritual path means we value everything which adds to our own well-being. When we love, we live with connectedness. When we forgive, we feel stress-free. When we create, we live with inspiration. When we follow our inner direction, we feel alive. Is that even a choice?”
“Love begins with an acceptance of the person as they are. That does not mean we accept bad behaviour or a lazy attitude towards life. Our primary focus is on loving the person, come what may. Part of love is helping them become the best they can be. We want the best for them, but our love is not dependent on it. Life, without any assistance from us, has its teaching methods.”
“Like everything else in life, we should eat consciously. We should learn to listen to our body about what to eat and how much – not too much, not too little, the foods which will not strain or poison our system. If the channel of communication is clear between our body and mind, it will tell us what we need for our body type, age, and level of activity while taking into account any health issues or changed circumstances which affect our metabolism. We can still treat ourselves with things we love, but we should do so in honest moderation and with awareness. Eating what is right for our individual system keeps our body healthy and active, and our mind awake and alert. ”
“In spite of any indication to the contrary, you can never be disconnected from the invisible, irrevocable, ever-present connections of Love. You are loved. You are here for a purpose. Your life is unique, important, and irreplaceable.”
“If we would like a long and productive life, we must take special care of the vehicle God gave us to move around in while we are here. Abuse, neglect, and lack of maintenance will come back to repay us with pain, lethargy, dysfunction, and, of course, a shorter-than-possible lifespan. Further, from a spiritual perspective, it is difficult for us to pay attention to our consciousness-evolution if we are plagued with physical discomfort. When the body is comfortable and silent, we can more easily put our attention on higher pursuits.”
“If we can see the little things, we can see the entire universe.”
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Book Keywords:
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