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Any Duchess Will Do

Tessa Dare

Top 10 Best Quotes

“Dedication: For librarians and booksellers everywhere, who gather books and build shelters for tender souls.”

“Cleverness is like rouge - liberal application makes a woman look common and desperate. Wit is knowing how to apply it.”

“I know how mirrors work. They're all in league with the cosmetics trade. They tell a woman lies. Drawing her gaze from one imagined flaw to another, until all she sees is a constellation of imperfections. If you could get outside yourself, borrow my eyes for just an instant... There is only beauty.”

“You're an intensely attractive woman. You do know that, don't you?" To her silence, he replied, "You'd believe me if you could see yourself." "I have seen myself. That's the snag, you see." He shook his head. "No, no. Not in a mirror. I know how mirrors work. They're all in league with the cosmetics trade. They tell a woman lies. Drawing her gaze from one imagined flaw to another, until all she sees is a constellation of imperfections. If you could get outside yourself, borrow my eyes for just an instant...There's only beauty.”

“I need a penny,” Pauline said. “Quickly, give me a penny.” He fished in his pocket and produced a coin, then dropped it in her outstretched hand. She peered at it. “This isn’t a penny. It’s a sovereign.” “I don’t have anything smaller.” She rolled her eyes. “Dukes and their problems. I’ll be along in a moment.”

“Don’t. Don’t play that game.” His brow pressed to hers. “When I heard you cry out . . . it was like a saber to the gut. I wanted to die.”

“This was now officially the most inane conversation in which Griff had ever been a participant—and that included a drunken debate with Del over ostrich racing. “The color isn’t too awful?” She twisted a fold of the skirt. “The draper called it ‘dewy petal,’ but your mother said the shade was more of a ‘frosted berry.’ What do you say?” “I’m a man, Simms. Unless we’re discussing nipples, I don’t see the value in these distinctions.”

“Griff had never been the fanciful sort, even as a boy. When he was with Pauline, the world was different. She forced him to see things through fresh eyes. Suddenly his library was the eighth wonder of the world, and Corinthian columns merited blasphemy. A ferry across the Thames was an epic journey, and a kiss . . . a kiss was everything.”

“He'd never thought he would feel that way again. Ready to brave any sorrow just to keep her at his side. Perhaps the impulse wasn't logical or reasoned, but it was real and true. It was choosing hope rather than despair. Seizing the one sparkling possibility in a roomful of someones.”

“You're right,' he told her. 'Kissing is the one thing that would undoubtedly make this moment worse.' 'Oh, Lord.' She leaned forward until her brow met his chest. Then she lifted her head slightly. Then let it fall forward again. After a few more repetitions, he understood the meaning behind this strange gesture. His chest was the brick wall, and she was bashing her head against it.”

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Book Keywords:

tessa-dare, love, librarians, words-of-wisdom, beauty, mirrors, dedication, perception, wit, booksellers, cleverness, romance-funny, historical-romance, self-esteem, snark, romance

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