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A Psalm of Storms and Silence

Roseanne A. Brown

Top 10 Best Quotes

“Life isn't given to be deserved. It's given to be lived. If you can find one thing that makes it worth seeing another day, then you've done all you're meant to do.”

“Queens go to advisors for advice, not permission.”

“If you ever find someone who feels as natural to you as breathing, don’t leave them. Because if you do, you’ll feel as if you’re gasping for air every moment after.”

“There are choices you make in life that cannot be undone and that cannot be buried. They can only be carried, and you either buckle beneath the weight of them or grow strong enough not to. And growing is always worth it if it helps you get to that next thing that makes life worth living.”

“Don’t let the mistakes of your past dictate your future.”

“[...] love was more like a pebble sinking into a pond, soft as the turn of one page in a story to the next, yet the ripples of it extending outward into everything about the way he saw the world and himself.”

“You're never going to be the person you were with him again. But each day is a chance to become someone just as good.”

“No one had ever looked at him like that, as if his very presence made their world better. He doubted anyone ever would.”

“You couldn't be betrayed by someone you didn't trust.”

“Who is the boy, or girl, or person, or paranormal entity who has you so flustered?”

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Book Keywords:

love, grief, life, moving-on, motivational, loss, queens, permission

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