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Dance With The Sword

Sarah K.L. Wilson

Top 10 Best Quotes

“Always, time is our worst enemy, stealing away what is most precious to me.”

“chinks in the armor. There’s always one,” he’d told her, and she’d written it down. “And it’s usually where you don’t expect you’ll find it. It’s usually at the strongest point.”

“When Bluebeard sees you on the Sword’s arm, he may well behead you both. Trust me, it’s not as glamorous as I make it look.” — Grosbeak”

“There was a muffled cry and the sound of furious flapping of feathers, and then a pair of ravens descended carrying a heavy cloth between them. They set it on the desk, screamed, and flew back up into the star-filled sky in a flurry of black feathers. Even the arrival of dinner was a dramatic production here.”

“The nice thing about being beneath notice was that nothing else was beneath my notice.”

“Perhaps this was how the Wittenbrand expressed affection. ‘You melt my heart. Have a sword’ or some such nonsense.”

“None can be your rival unless you let them, Wittenbrand. Do you call me rival? Is it not you, then, who has made me so?”

“I saw this place differently than the Wittenbrand did. What was normal to them was a wonder to me and that gave me an advantage because since all of this was new to me, I did not overlook any details.”

“then, one of the men would touch his cheek as if in honor of my husband’s sign. Their patron saint. The one who had sent his wife to fight this battle. And fight this battle, I would, though he’d be hearing about it from me later.”

“snow lions leapt toward the six-headed dog and the party – such as it was – devolved into screaming, flight, and the drawing of weapons.”

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Book Keywords:

weakness, start-sky, theatrics, sword, fearies, night-sky, swords, running-out-of-time, weapon, birds, dinner, ravens, time, manipulation, precious, armor, faults

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