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With a Reckless Abandon
Maddy Kobar
Top 10 Best Quotes
“His mind betrayed him and now we were all victims of the horrible deception.”
“My madness was too much for them and it was my affliction.”
“I had assumed that a boy who loved me so intensely was full of happiness, love, and light so that he was free of his own demons and pain. My assumption was entirely wrong.”
“You see Alexander was my weakness just as I was his. No one in the world had fought for me as relentlessly as he always had; ever since I was a just baby in the crib. Neither Father nor Mother when she lived, ever made him do it for me. It was entirely of his own volition.”
“Keep your temperance, Alexander. I want to live!" He threw his hands into the air and he smiled out to the wide skies above. That's what hope looks like, I thought.”
“I was beginning to understand why Harold didn't like being around large numbers of people; if you were at all different, people were apt to stare.”
“I came out here because I didn't want to rot at home alone. Could he even begin to conceive how perfectly wretched it was to have your entire life already planned for you when you were just seventeen?”
“You didn't ask to be sick. She had said in sympathy and pity. I ignored the pity and embraced the sympathy. What else could I do?”
“You deserve better. I'll give you something so, so much better. By all the beating hearts of the rebel poets, I do solemnly swear, my darling, you shall soon be free!”
“While it was true that I knew very few women, I was convinced that Anya must have been the loveliest of them all. I felt always vaguely disappointed every time I saw her eyes light up when she was in Robert's presence for that is when they shined the brightest. He could be wearing dirty clothes, be covered in filth and she'd still think him the greatest boy alive.”
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Book Keywords:
declaration-of-love, assumptions, mental-health, secret-crush, free, romance, family-loyalty, full-of-life, pity, rude, stare, loneliness, siblings, rebel-poets, love, staring, romantic-era, teen-angst, sympathy, mental-illness, 19th-century, empathy, romantics, jealousy, hope, different, depression, being-different, curious, sickness, bipolar-disorder, favoritism, madness, brothers, pressure, family, illness, hiding-feelings