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Blessed Are the Misfits: Great News for Believers who are Introverts, Spiritual Strugglers, or Just Feel Like They're Missing Something

Brant Hansen

Top 10 Best Quotes

“One of the hardest-to-swallow, most countercultural, counter intuitive implications of the gospel is that bearing up under a difficult burden with patient perseverance is a good thing.”

“It makes you wonder about God: What kind of father wants to be pestered? Probably one who really loves his children and is hoping they don’t wait until the perfect moment, or until they are perfect themselves, before they finally talk to him.”

“The good news: It seems like you really want more of God. And, from what I read, that’s a really good thing. You’re going to get what you’re looking for. If you want more of God, you’re going to yearn. And yearning isn’t bad. Yearning happens when you love.”

“The absence of feeling is not the absence of love.”

“Proverbs says to ask for wisdom. Wisdom means perspective. It means knowing what matters.”

“Our feelings have nothing to do with whether God loves us or is still involved in our lives.”

“Jesus is exactly what I would hope God would be: a blunt-speaking, underdog-loving, field-leveling, jaw-droppingly brilliant, authority-challenging, short-story-telling, self-sacrificing, bring-the-children-to-Me . . . healer.”

“It seems like being “passionate for something big” is something positive, but I keep running into Jesus telling us to be like children. And children are small. Maybe you’ve noticed that too. They do little things, and they’re okay with it. Jesus seems passionate about other little things too. Mustard seeds. Sparrows. Lilies of the field. Single days, like today, instead of The Big Future. Little acts of our will.”

“It is too easy, then, as someone who’s felt rejected, let down, even made fun of by church people, to simply refuse to love them. It’s too easy to live my life in reaction to them. Yes, I can easily craft a false narrative about how awful others are and how much better than them I am, but it excuses me from the hard work of forgiveness and patience.”

“I get the impression from Scripture that God would rather be in communication with an immature, selfish person than be ignored by a theologically fastidious one.”

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Book Keywords:

jesus, church, children, lilies-of-the-field, christian-living, theology, yearning, rejection, underdog, love, patience, gospel, god, communication, healer, mustard-seed, passionate, good-news, small, yearn, prayer, selfish, blunt, sparrows, christian, scripture, forgiveness

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