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Monogamy Book One. Lover

Victoria Sobolev

Top 10 Best Quotes

“But there is also my brain and it is gently, unobtrusively asking me questions that don’t require answers because the answers are already there: it won’t last; he’s just TOO perfect for me, TOO handsome, TOO sexy; I’m not the one for him, if such a person exists at all. Sooner or later it will come to an end because the feelings disappear, even the strongest ones. They are inexorably broken down by life’s worries and problems and the fears that come with them. But with Alex it will most likely happen sooner rather than later – he is just TOO seductive and virtually all women without exception look at him TOO greedily. When it’s all over, he’ll simply step over us and move on and I... I’ll be abandoned like an empty cigarette packet on a dirty pavement. I have no desire to fade away in the scorching sun, covered in dust and dripping wet with dirty rainwater.”

““There are people who don’t know how to be happy. When fate throws expensive gifts their way, they look for the catch. Distrustful, they steer clear. Yet knowing how to accept such gifts with gratitude is more important than anything our parents and teachers instil in us as children. No one is going to tell you why you’re here, what your purpose is, what you’re searching for, and what to do with what you find.”​”

“You know, there are things that can be done easily and simply and there are things that are very difficult. When it comes to the important stuff, I always seem to take the most difficult path, for some reason. You can buy the most amazing ring and get down on one knee or write a message in the sky or go up in a hot air balloon, but all of those options are for people who do everything on time, and that’s not me. I made my choice a long time ago... But how can I tell this girl that I want to live a full and happy life and that that’s only possible with her when she’s not available? Somebody beat me to it, but it’s so much more than that. How can I tell her that I’ll never hurt her, never cause her pain? That I’ll dedicate my life to protecting her from all the bad, from every possible harm and danger? That I want to have lots of babies, but only if she is their mother? That I can’t imagine my life without her? How can I tell her all this if she has already given herself to someone else?”

“Why did you decide to become an architect?’ ‘What could be more wonderful than designing and building houses? Except for giving birth, perhaps, but I can’t do that, unfortunately!’ It is a joke and we both laugh, but his words leave a magical imprint on my heart. Too bad that this imprint completely ignored my overly practical brain.”

“What do you love the most?’ he asks. ‘Dark chocolate and coffee. You?’ ‘Looking at you and kissing your lips...”

“Well, and the fact that I find it unbelievably difficult to control my hormones when Alex is next to me; it’s like I’m being pulled in. The pull is not just strong, it is overwhelmingly powerful and so unbearable that it feels as if the decision has already been made – the sooner the better – and to hell with pride and good manners; to hell with all of it.”

“We sleep for two hours a day and it seems to be enough – either because the air here is so clean or the sun is so beneficial, or our happiness is so immense... Happiness?”

“Very soon, it becomes clear to me, in the most incomprehensible, most incredible way, that he is seriously in love. It is the only time I have a question that I cannot find an answer to for a very long time, no matter how hard I try: what does he see in me? What?? What exactly does he find so irresistible? My analytical brain comes up with the most outrageous suggestions, but, for the very first time, gets nowhere. ”

“Today is his birthday and my gift to him is warmth and cosiness. Today, on his day, his home will have what Alex craves so badly – a family, albeit an illusory one. ”

“There are people who don’t know how to be happy. When fate throws expensive gifts their way, they look for the catch. Distrustful, they steer clear. Yet knowing how to accept such gifts with gratitude is more important than anything our parents and teachers instil in us as children. No one is going to tell you why you’re here, what your purpose is, what you’re searching for, and what to do with what you find.”

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Book Keywords:

in-love, life-lessons, present, too-good-to-be-true, proposal, inspirational, birthday, clever-saying, happiness, finds-in-me

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