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Conscious Coaching: The Art and Science of Building Buy-In

Brett Bartholomew

Top 10 Best Quotes

“Overcoming adversity means that you’ve gotten to know yourself on another level through pushing, progressing, and persevering through what, in the moment, may have seemed like a very negative situation.”

“Conscious Coaches keep their dedication to their families and their own health as they traverse the various roads of their professional career.”

“Both the athlete and coach must be diligent to earn trust and cautious to maintain it.”

“Understand that one of the best ways to build trust, rapport and educate others also happens to be one of the best ways to improve your health and the health of your athletes. Laugh it up!”

“Trust is how we know that our closest friends and family will be there for us should disaster strike.”

“The starting point for all interaction must come from an understanding of what the other person cares about most.”

“My first order of business as a coach was to build trust. Transformational coaches take a vested interest in individual characteristics and qualities such as personality and family life.”

“John Maxwell, in his book, 5 Levels of Leadership, outlines the five levels as: Position, Permission, Production, People Development, and Pinnacle. I wanted to help him progress from Level 1 (based on his position) to Level 5, pinnacle, which is based on earning the respect of your peers for who you are as a person.”

“It’s important to recognize these budding stars. With guidance and perhaps a few words of encouragement (i.e., letting them know that you recognize these traits inside them and want them to assume the role of leader) you can help them cultivate self-belief and hasten the process of their development.”

“It is in these times of adversity that we become who we are.”

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Book Keywords:

family, who, person, rapport, belief, leader, educate, guide, coach, friend, trust, athelete, health, push, laugh, close, diligent, maintain, position, persevere, peer, recognize, leadership, develop, career, personality, interest, transformational, disaster, earn, adversity, encourage, situation, respect, trait

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