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Live and Remember

Valentin Rasputin

Top 10 Best Quotes

“Believe them and they'll tell you all sorts of things.”

“You're afraid of people's judgment…What do you care! People are like dogs; whenever anyone makes a wrong move they set up a holler. They bark and then they stop--and wait for someone else to go wrong.”

“What was so wrong with us? We were young, healthy, matched in every way. Live and be happy. No, I had to show my strength, be moody. What a fool. And I didn't understand that I was a fool; after all, I do have some brains, but I couldn't stop myself.”

“Let them, let them scratch where it itches, it's a real human itch to gossip, to go over someone's bones until they're picked clean. They can't live without it. And you just keep quiet, do your work, and don't taunt them--they'll stop sooner. And then it'll be someone else's turn, and you'll be with the others again. Is this the first time? The very thing they blame you for, they'll praise you for later. People…”

“Everything, that she was saying, now, everything that she saw and heard, took place in a deep numbness, in which all the senses are stilled and a person exists not in one's own life but with some emergency life that is stuck onto one. In such situations fear, pain, surprise and enlightenment come later, and until such time as one comes to one's senses, this sober, sturdy, and almost unfeeling mechanism takes over.”

“Let others do as they wished, but she would live the life she began and would not run from corner to corner in a frenzy. She would wait for her own happiness, not someone else's.”

“Lately, Nastoyna felt that she had no right to criticize anyone at all -- no man, no animal, no bird, because each lived his own life, which was not in his control and which he could not change.”

“How many people, healthy and strong do not distinguish their own, personal, God-given feelings from the common, dime-a-dozen feelings. Those people get into bed with the same unbridled pleasure, ready for anything, that they sit at a table with: just to be satisfied. And they cry and laugh looking around--to make sure that they are seen laughing and crying so that their tears do not go to waste. They were played out: touch them a special way--and they won't understand, they won't respond, not a single string will vibrate with a sensitive quiver. It's too late for them--they are deaf and dumb, and they will never touch anyone that way either. And all because they did not want or did not know how to be alone with themselves, they had forgotten and lost themselves, and now they couldn't remember or find themselves.”

“Believe them and they'll you all sorts of things.”

“...sometime when your life is so good, you'll want to make your happiness as simple as possible.”

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Book Keywords:

society, simplicity-happiness-joy, gullibility, love, pretense, impostor-syndrome, manipulation, empathy, domination, happiness, catatonic, judgmental, gossip, simplicity-in-life, self-destruction, trolls, helplessness, authentic-living, judgment, people, validation, life-lessons, social-acceptance, authenticity, empathy-for-others, life, shocked, simplicity, catatonia, anger, solitude, judgmental-people, authentic-self, shocking, shock, self-awareness

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