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Good Grieving: Narrative Perspectives of Loss and Bereavement

S.L. Northey

Top 10 Best Quotes

“When someone dies but love remains, it like a star you can never touch. All its beauty remains so real; in the end, you would never wish it away.”

“To stand firm in the condition of loss, is to understand where we are in the process”

“Hope is the most beautiful of our human flaws”

“Dogs look at you with both eyes open. Emotions on a sleeve, that wagging tail”

“Broken wings don't mend that way; the way you think broken wings do. Once that wing has taken time to mend; that bird has forgotten how to fly”

“The loss of one's self is the hardest to bear”

“Most epiphanies happen after great loss or tragedy. The soul is equipped to deal with dynamic events because of its elastic quality. Energy is mutable, it can change its presence, but not its tone.”

“Life when it ends is still alive, memories are the celebration of what it meant. Grieving is that part, our soul, that can't easily say goodbye”

“It takes a heart of a barren landscape, the place where silence makes its home.”

“It is the abstract wisdom of the soul, that understands the abstract nature of grief”

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Book Keywords:

life-quotes, grief-and-loss, thought-provoking, pets, thoughts-on-life, grief-quotes

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